Speaking Boost
Ricevi una chiamata da un valente linguista, che ti parlerà proprio come un amico o un collega
Parla tramite WhatsApp, indipendentemente da dove sei e da quanto sei indaffarato! Migliora la tua conversazione e rendi più fluente il tuo linguaggio con un ampio ventaglio di argomenti.
Esercizio di conversazione
Questo corso fa per te?
Vuoi migliorare velocemente la maniera in cui parli, ma non hai molto tempo a disposizione? Ti offriamo una soluzione ottimale! Esercitare regolarmente le competenze orali è fondamentale per padroneggiare una lingua e qui presso VOX consigliamo a tutti i nostri studenti di parlare almeno per 15 minuti al giorno, in modo da notare un miglioramento nelle proprie competenze orali. Con i nostri corsi di conversazione giornalieri di 15 minuti su WhatsApp puoi esercitarti con un docente per 15 minuti al giorno all'ora che è più comoda per te.
Questo corso è ideale se fatichi a trovare un momento durante il giorno per esercitare le tue competenze orali, oppure se desideri dare ulteriore spazio alle tue competenze orali in parallelo al tuo corso di lingua. Tutti possono trovare 15 minuti per esercitarsi! Ti sembra interessante? Ti metterai d'accordo in anticipo sull'orario più conveniente per te e un docente ti chiamerà per avere una conversazione via WhatsApp
I nostri valenti linguisti con una formazione universitaria ti aiuteranno a sviluppare le tue capacità orali parlando giornalmente con te di diversi argomenti e dopo ogni colloquio ti forniranno un resoconto scritto dei nuovi vocaboli e degli errori, inoltre ti daranno dei consigli su come ridurre gli errori in futuro. Sarà sorprendente quanti progressi farai in breve tempo.
Modulo richiesta info sul corso
- La tua richiesta non implica l'obbligo di iscriversi ad alcun corso.
- Ti contatteremo entro 1 ora.
- Avete un codice sconto? Inseritelo nella fase successiva.
Insegnanti di classe universitaria
In classe, sarai accompagnato da insegnanti scelti e con una formazione universitaria in linguistica.
Focus sulla comunicazione orale
La comunicazione orale è al centro del nostro metodo d'insegnamento: solo parlando si impara a parlare.
In tutto il mondo
Partecipa a uno dei nostri corsi VOX di conversazione da qualunque posto nel mondo. Continua a divertirti parlando una lingua straniera anche quando sei in viaggio per lavoro o in vacanza.
Sviluppa un'abitudine eccezionale
Per imparare a parlare, hai bisogno di riempire il tuo cervello con nuove informazioni giornalmente. In questo modo capirà che la nuova lingua è una parte importante della tua vita e ti aiuterà a impararla più velocemente.
- 1 mese
- 5 lezioni per settimana
- 20 lezioni di conversazione di 15 minuti al mese
- Una vasta gamma di argomenti
- Migliora le tue capacità orali sviluppando una nuova abitudine
- Documenti pdf con vocaboli nuovi e nozioni di grammatica dopo ogni lezione
Prezzo intero CHF 380.-
Invia la richiesta
I can highly recommend VOX-Sprachschule. I however can only comment on the 1-1 online / video training sessions. We opted this route, it is more expensive (not cheap) but it works for us as our tutor fits in with our hectic work schedules. Our tutor Yvonne is very flexible with her lessons should someone from work arise and we cannot attend the lesson, rescheduling is never a problem. Everyone’s needs are different when learning a language and Yvonne has managed to tailor make the lessons for our needs. She is super knowledgeable of the language we are learning and her English is of a superb standard. The extra touch , Yvonne is teaching us German , however she also will add in some Swiss phrases which she feels would be beneficial to us. She sends all the online screenshot to us after our lesson so we can refer back to the notes of that particular lecture. She marks the given homework promptly. I’ve had a couple of enquires that I had to make with the school and always had a prompt response. Please note again , it is not cheap, but it is like most things in life , you get what you pay for. I am by no means running down any other language schools , however a big group was not what we wanted , we wanted 1-1 sessions where we could bond with our tutor and our needs have been met.
I am currently doing a B2 German course with 3 other students online. All the other courses I have done in other schools have been in much larger groups. I feel that the course is more tailored to us as individuals and I’m learning more as a result. Agi is an excellent teacher! She explains everything clearly, allows us to practise and corrects our mistakes without destroying confidence. This has been perfect for me as a refresher course but you would have to be motivated to do extra homework if everything were new as the speed is quite fast. I am finally getting to grips with cases and am slowly learning to speak with fewer grammatical errors. I would highly recommend Vox to those who want to learn quickly and want to improve their speaking ability.
I really enjoy studying German at this school. I am grateful for the opportunity in a short time to gain knowledge for communication in a new country for me. Special thanks to the teacher Solange Morel, who gives information very professionally and excitingly and strongly motivates in learning the language! She’s really cool at teaching!
I understand the language way better than before because my teacher could explain why things were the way they were . I’ve had a lot of experience with teachers just Saying: “ it’s just that way.” But here that was not the case. I really enjoyed the lessons. Thank you Elena
Highly recommend 😊 After changing various school to learn German, in Vox I had the opportunity to get intensive and super-intensive courses with great teachers. The most advantageous is that all classes are hold with 3-5 people strictly which is the perfect number in order the tuition to be efficient.
(Translated by Google) I am learning German (B2) at the VOX language school and can only recommend the school. Our teacher Lise is a great teacher who makes the lessons very lively and interesting. She explains the topics clearly and is always open to questions. I feel very comfortable in her classes and learn a lot. (Original) Ich lerne an der VOX-Sprachschule Deutsch (B2) und kann die Schule nur empfehlen. Unsere Lehrerin Lise ist eine großartige Lehrerin, die den Unterricht sehr lebendig und interessant gestaltet. Sie erklärt die Themen klar und hat immer ein offenes Ohr für Fragen. Ich fühle mich in ihrem Unterricht sehr wohl und lerne viel.
My teacher Yana has been so supporting throughout the course and helped me improve my German giving me more confidence to speak 😊💪🏻
(Translated by Google) Entertaining and recommended lessons with a focus on verbal communication. Both the teachers and the course managers were always very courteous and helpful. (Original) Unterhaltsamer und empfehlenswerter Unterricht mit Fokus auf die verbale Kommunikation. Sowohl die Lehrpersonen, als auch die Kurs-Managerinnen waren immer sehr zuvorkommenden und hilfreich.
(Translated by Google) I recommend this school wholeheartedly. I have been teaching at Vox for two years now and find that the whole team works with great commitment. We always try to find solutions for language learners and teachers, without fear of going our own way as a language school and inventing and offering new models. I enjoy being involved here! (Original) Ich empfehle diese Schule von ganzem Herzen. Bereits 2 Jahre unterrichte ich jetzt bei Vox und finde, dass das ganze Team mit grossem Einsatz arbeitet. Es wird immer versucht, Lösungen für die Sprachlernenden sowie für die Lehrenden zu finden, ohne Angst, als Sprachschule einen eigenen Weg zu gehen und neue Modelle zu erfinden und anzubieten. Mir macht es Freude, hier mitzuwirken!
Good place to learn a new language fast.
(Translated by Google) Really great school - accommodating, flexible and understanding. Great, very qualified teaching staff!! In short, this school doesn't need any advertising - its results speak for themselves👍👌we can only recommend the school. Thank you for your commitment and the great experience of how easy and yet intensive it is to learn the German language at your school. Big praise! (Original) Ganz tolle Schule - zuvorkommend, flexibel und verständnisvoll. Ganz tolles, sehr qualifiziertes Lehrprrsonal!! Kurz-diese Schule braucht keine Werbung - ihre Ergebnisse sprechen für sich👍👌wir können die Schule nur weiterempfehlen. Vielen Dank für das Engagement und die tolle Erfahrung, wie einfach und doch intensiv die deutsche Sprache zu erlernen ist an Ihrer Schule. Grosses Lob!